To further develop these themes and ensure that the regions comprehensive plan is the best fit, community input is of the utmost importance. Please take a few minutes and complete the survey below.

Preserving the Region’s Community Character relies heavily on where and at what intensity we allow development to be conducted. In general, preserving community character relies on the preservation and/or reservation of agricultural lands, open spaces, and natural areas and habitats. While at the same time directing growth and development to areas with existing access to public water and public sewer services; and, allowing for increased development densities in the boroughs and at the Interstate-83 Interchange.

As they say, “Teamwork makes the dream work!” and this is no different for the Southern York County Region. The geographic character of the region, five (5) local municipal governments all providing resident services within a 35 square mile area, lends itself well to the joint and/or regional provision of services.

Active transportation refers to a means of getting around that relies on human energy, primarily through walking and bicycling. Unlike motorized transportation, active transportation promotes physical activity and has several benefits related to health and well-being, reducing vehicle miles traveled, increasing access to public transportation, and encouraging mixed-use neighborhoods, where appropriate.

An aging-in community is a concept that focuses on creating an environment where older adults can thrive while maintaining their independence and well-being. An aging-in community allows adults to age in place, not only by keeping older adults in their homes but also by ensuring they remain connected through social networks and community-based support and services.

The region has been successful in preserving farmland to ensure enough area for successful farming; however, land use regulations restrict the number and type of accessory uses allowed at a farm. Agritourism relates to a growing list of “side hustles” incorporated by farms to assist in making operations financially feasible, such as craft food production, event spaces, trail tours, open-air markets, and pick-your-own food.
The Trail Towns program is a pilot economic development program sponsored by the York County Economic Alliance (YCEA) which seeks to grow economic development in York County’s small towns with access to the York County Rail Trail.